
Tutoriales para programar en Adobe Air en Ingles

Las aplicaciones en Adobe Air son las reinas en la web. Pueden ser compatibles con cualquier sistema operativo y usan los datos de nuestras cuentas en Internet para ofrecer lo mejor de la web y lo mejor de las aplicaciones de escritorio.

En vandelaydesign.com han publicado 35 enlaces a tutoriales para los que estén interesados en programar este tipo de aplicaciones. Todos en inglés, por desgracia.

Espero que os sean de utilidad.

Introduction to Adobe AIR

Adobe AIR and Flex – Getting Started

Building an Adobe AIR Application with Flex

Writing Well-Behaved, Efficient AIR Applications

Performance Apps for AIR (vídeo)

Christmas is in the Air

How to Build a Contact Manager in AIR using XML Part IPart II

Building a Desktop Application with Ext, AIR, Aptana and Red Bull

Developing Cross-Platform Adobe AIR Applications

Create a Drag and Drop MP3 Player with Adobe AIR

Building Lupo: A Case Study in Building Commercial AIR Applications

Building Web and Adobe AIR Applications from a Shared Flex Code Base

Creating Desktop Applications for the Cloud with Adobe Flex, AIR, and Amazon S3

Adobe Air Tutorial for HTML/JavaScript Developers

Implementing Drag and Drop Between the OS and AIR

Notification Windows with JavaScript and AIR

Recreating MapCache on Adobe AIR

Creating a Downloader for YouTube with Flex/AIR

Walk on AIR: Create a To-do List in Five Minutes

Adobe AIR & Flash Tutorial

Developing AIR in Flash (vídeo)

Webcams, PNGs, and AIR (vídeo)

How to Store Adobe AIR Application Preferences Using JavaScript

Take Your CSS to the Desktop with AIR

Adobe AIR: Supercharged Development with Debugging

Creating an AIR RSS Reader Application from Scratch with Flex and PureMVC

Building an XML Viewer on AIR with Flex

Synchronizing Drupal Modules with Adobe AIR

Getting Started with Adobe AIR as a Web Developer/Designer

Simple Zip Viewer with JavaScript and AIR

Reducing CPU Usage in Adobe AIR

Performance Tips for Adobe AIR

Create Your Own Adobe Air Application with Flash

Build a Custom File Extension AIR App

Fuente :wwwhatsnew.com

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