
25 Sitios para aprender de otros las tendencias UI/UX para nuestros nuevos proyectos Web


UI Inspiration

UI Patterns

CSSbake – Ingredients

Quince UX Design Patterns Explorer

UI Inspiration

We are Colorblind – Patterns for the Color Blind

UI Inspiration


inspireUX – words to inspire user experience designers

UI Inspiration

Ember – User Interface Design

Welie.com – Patterns in Interaction Design

UI Inspiration

GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

UI Inspiration


UI Inspiration

Pattern Tap : Organized Web Design Collections

UI Inspiration

UI Pattern Factory

Konigi Showcase

UI on Smashing Magazine

UI Scraps: user interface designs found by Jason Robb

Yahoo! Design Pattern Library

UI Inspiration

Blink Design Library

Elements of Design: A Web Design Showcase

UIZEN – Showcase of best online/web application user interface design.

ecommr: a collection of e-commerce interface and design elements

UI Inspiration

Open Source Design Pattern Library

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